Upload Assets to Frame.io using Zapier

Zapier can be a helpful tool for uploading media files from cloud apps into Frame.io


If you want to upload files to Frame.io from existing cloud-based apps or a URL serving assets, Zapier is generally a good solution, as their product resolves many API design divergences that make interacting with cloud apps a headache. This guide clarifies key attributes of Zapier's upload service so you'll know exactly what's happening in your integration.

Setting the File Upload Method

Zapier tries to automatically discover the most flexible file upload method for each API it connects to. For example, Zapier will try to convert restricted links that cannot be accessed outside an app's domain to publicly-available download links:

Original unreadable link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hriinb9w3a2107m/iPad%20intro.pdf

Converted link, usable by Frame.io's Uploader API: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hriinb9w3a2107m/iPad%20intro.pdf

Zapier's File Limitations

Importantly, if Zapier cannot discover a static download URL to pass to Frame.io's API, Zapier's own service will download files on the fly and passes them to Frame.io. Zapier restricts this method to files less than 100MB.

Note that Zapier's UI may warn you about filesize restrictions even when passing a Direct URL (i.e. when there is no restriction.) That's why it's worth understanding how File URL works.

Customize Asset screenshot

Upload methods for common apps and services

Note: integrations with the Type File Upload are subject to file size limits indicated in Zapier's UI. Direct Links are preferable as they're not subject to size limitations and process faster and more reliably.

AppTypeTips and References
GmailFile UploadZapier Help Docs
Google DriveDirect LinkYou want to paste webContentLink into the File selector. This works for files you upload to Google Drive, but will not work for documents or presentations created inside Drive. Zapier Help Docs, Google Drive V3 API
DropboxDirect LinkAutomatically Upload Dropbox Files to Frame.io](doc:upload-dropbox-files-to-frameio
BoxDirect LinkUse Info Shared Link Download URLBox API Guides
S3Direct LinkZapier Guide: Common Problems with S3